Monday, November 2, 2015

Non Objective Perspective Project

  • To use One and Two Point perspective to create a non-objective composition.
  • To practice basic shading techniques.
  • Understanding compositional balance.
  • 18x12 White Drawing Paper
  • #2 Pencils
  • Pink Pearl Erasers
  • Drafting Brushes
  • Eraser Shields
  • Colored Pencils (optional)
  1. Decide on a Vertical or Horizontal orientation for your paper.
  2. Determine whether to work in one or two point perspective.
  3. Draw a horizon line in the middle of the paper.
  4. Add vanishing points.
  5. Draw overlapping objects. 
  6. Determine light source and shade each object independently. Do not concern yourself with the idea of cast shadows.
  7. Additional color may be added to create an area of emphasis. Consider using a particular color scheme. (The example is a triadic color scheme using the three primary colors.)

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