Monday, November 23, 2015


  • To put real objects in unreal situations.
  • To take real objects and alter them in such a way as to distort or change their original purpose.
  • To create unusual perspective-like environments
  • Mixed media
  • 18x24" white oak tag
  • Glue sticks
  • X-acto knives
  • Cutting boards
  1. Collect images using “Automatic Suggestion”. Look for images in magazines, newspapers and then cut out the objects. Use parts or the whole image. 
  2. Use one image as the basis for your project. Extend it’s perspective.
  3. Add perspective. Think about the use of Relative Scale in your image.
  4. Create some kind of 3-D shape and shade it using stippling.
  5. Collage: Make creative use of magazine images. You may print our specific images from the web if needed.
  6. Remember this is “Mixed Media”.  You should use different materials. (ie. Craypas, water color etc.) If you need something special, ask!

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