Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Impossible Imaginary Image

Create and impossible imaginary image. Simply put, this is an image you create from your imagination that you could not actually create in reality. A very famous artist named Leonardo da Vinci did this very thing constantly in his sketchbooks. He designed objects such as an airplane, bridges and military equipment before they ever existed.

·        There is no right or wrong. Just think about your needs ( or society’s needs) . How can your invention make life better?

·         You need only use pencil and add color if you want. These ideas do not have to work. The “Communicator” in Star Trek came long before the cell phone became a reality. Just try and be creative, this is really a metal exercise to improve creativity.

·         Notate your invention.

·         Write approximately two short paragraphs about your invention and how it will improve the world.

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