Friday, October 23, 2015

Negative Positive Space Project

Utilizing the principles and elements of design that you have explored in the composition project, create a pleasing composition that incorporates negative and positive space. Have  fun with this assignment, but don't forget a good artist is also a good craftsman.

  • Select an image that can be easily recognized as a silhouette.
  • Direct reversals are ok, but try not to create a checkerboard.
  • You may mix more than one image in your project. (ie. a quarterback and a receiver).
  • Use color effectively. Your project must have contrast! Use complimentary colors or analogous colors. Think,? Why are you selecting these colors? "It's a pretty color" is not a reason.
  • The design can be symmetrically or asymmetrically balanced.
Remember the elements and principals of design!

Line, color, value, shape, form, space, texture.
Balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, pattern, movement, rhythm

  1. Select your image
  2. Measure the image. How many can you get out of a 12x18 inch piece of paper.
  3. Cut the paper.
  4. Use the tracing paper transfer technique to place your image on the construction paper.
  5. Cut out with an x-acto knife. (Use and cutting board and always cut away from your hand.)
  6. Assemble the design with a glue stick. (Use scrap paper to ensure that the glue stick covers your paper to the edge.)

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