Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Line Conversion Project

In this project we will explore the use of line by filling in an object with those lines. No outline will be used. The interior lines will create the illusion of and edge, an implied line.


  1. Find an image that has many basic shapes in it. You can use a magazine image or look on the web. The image should be about 5x6 inches in size. Cars, cameras and other mechanical objects usually work well for this project. Avoid people and animals!
  2. Trace our the image and include all the major shapes.
  3. Transfer the image to a 9x12 inch piece of white oak tag.
  4. Use a pencil to fill the shapes with some of the lines your created in the last project. Have your lines reflect the shape of the object itself. Do NOT OUTLINE any shapes!!
  5. Ink over your pencil lines with India ink. Take your time. Make sure to hold the pen upright. Test it on a piece of scrap before moving to your work. Work away from the last area you inked.
  6. Erase any pencil lines that are still showing. The lines inside the shapes will create an implied edge around the object.
  7. Use a water color wash to add color.
  8. Cut out the image with an x-acto knife and glue it down onto a contrasting piece of construction paper.
  9. Sign and date your work.

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