Monday, September 28, 2015

25 Types of Line


  • T-square
  • Triangle
  • Masking tape
  • 9x9 inch white drawing paper.
  • #2 and colored pencils


  1.  Using a T-square and triangle, square and tape your paper to your table. Use the corner of the table.
  2. Divide the drawing paper into 25 equal boxes. Use your ruler as a "dividing stick".
  3. Fill each box with 3 to 4 examples of different kinds of lines. Remember that lines can be created through repetition of objects that do not connect. These are implied lines.
  4. Make sure your examples are not two close together so that they may appear as a visual texture. Leave plenty of space between them. (The lines are too close in the above example.)
  5. Be creative, don't just repeat the same idea by changing the lines weight or color.

You will be using these lines in the next project!

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