Friday, December 4, 2015

Color Vocabulary

Color Terms

Primaries - Yellow, Red, Blue

Secondaries - Orange, Violet, Green

Tertiaries - Yellow-Orange, Red Orange, Red-Violet, Blue-Violet,Blue-Green, Yellow-Green.

Hue - Another word for color

Value - The lightness or darkness of a color.

Intensity - The brightness or dullness of a color.

Tint - A color that has been lightened by adding white.

Shade - A color that has been darkened by adding black.

Black - The absence of all color (light)

White - The sum total of all color.(light)

Gray/Brown - Gray is created by only a partial reflection of all color waves of the spectrum.

Neutrals - Black, White, Brown and Gray

Complimentary Colors - Colors that are directly opposite on the color wheel. Green and red are and example.

Colors - Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

Split Complimentary - Start at a particular hue, blue for instance. Go directly accross the color wheel to it’s compliment which is orange. Then take the colors that are analogous to orange: yellow-orange and red-orange.

Triadic Harmony - A triadic color scheme involves three equally spaced hues on the color wheel. Blue, yellow, and red are and example.

Monochromatic - A color scheme using only tints and shades of a single color.

Cool Colors - Usually associated with Yellow-green, Green, Blue-Green, Blue, Blue-Violet and Violet.

Warm Colors - Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Red-Orange, Red, and Red-Violet.

Simultaneous Contrast - For any given color the eye simultaneously requires the complementary color and generates it spontaneously if it is not already present.

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