Friday, March 11, 2016

Upside Down Drawing

The brain has two hemispheres, left and right. Each side is responsible for different functions.
Even though they appear to work independently, the corpus collosum (the structure of nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) allows them to work together.

Left Brain Functions

  • Written Language
  • Number Skills
  • Reasoning
  • Spoken Language
  • Scientific Skills
  • Right Hand Control

Right Brain Functions

  • Insight
  • 3D Forms
  • Art Awareness
  • Imagination
  • Music Awareness
  • Left Hand Control

Traditional education focuses on using the left side of your brain. The creative right side is often
neglected and starts to atrophy. This exercise forces you to utilize the right side of your brain. It may
seem a bit bazaar, but I think you will be surprised at the results you achieve!


  1. Concentrate and draw queitly, you are looking for details.  Drawing is hard work.
  2. The original and your drawing should be upside down.
  3. Start an the top and work your way down the image.
  4. Dont' think about the parr you are drawing, just think about lines and shapes.

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