Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Are we alone in the universe or do creatures and beings live in the far reaches of the galaxy? What would these creatures look like? Would they have bodies like our own, or would they be reptilian or insectoid? How would they live? What type of character traits would they posses: evil, compassionate, hostile, or congenial? What would their home world be like? Would their culture be dominated by males or females of the species? Are there males and females? We can only guess and wait for visitors.

The Assignment

Draw what you think an extraterrestrial would look like. Use color markers, pencils or even crayon Consider physical characteristics, the habitat the being would live in and the culture it lives in. Write a paragraph describing each of the areas. (Minimum of three sentences.)

The inspiration for this assignment comes from Barlowe's Guide Extraterrestrials.

Mr. Boccini's Alien 2015

Physical Characteristics:
The Equilonians are a humanoid species that exhibit qualities of earth horses. They stand approximately 10 feet in size on strong legs supported by a large hoofs. Their bodies are covered in coarse brown hair. Males often have distinguishing white spots on their backs. Their tall alert ears warn them of danger. They take special pride in their long flowing manes. The males will spend hours preening their mane in order to attract eligible mates. Their long snouts encase large carnivorous teeth that allow them to quickly devour their prey.

Equilon is a planet in the Xenon Solar System. It's surface is covered in tall grasses that sustain the many small animals the Equilonians use for sustenance. Most life is centered around the huge plains near the planets equatorial region. Water is plentiful.

The Equilonians are a nomadic people. They live in small herds that move across the vast plains following their food sources. They live in temporary huts made from thatching long grasses. Each "herd" is lead by a matriarch on whose council the herd depends. Small herds peacefully coexist and gather annually for the "Great Dividing" where young males are mated with females from other herds. This ensures genetic diversity and strong offspring.

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