Friday, October 23, 2015

Negative Positive Space Project

Utilizing the principles and elements of design that you have explored in the composition project, create a pleasing composition that incorporates negative and positive space. Have  fun with this assignment, but don't forget a good artist is also a good craftsman.

  • Select an image that can be easily recognized as a silhouette.
  • Direct reversals are ok, but try not to create a checkerboard.
  • You may mix more than one image in your project. (ie. a quarterback and a receiver).
  • Use color effectively. Your project must have contrast! Use complimentary colors or analogous colors. Think,? Why are you selecting these colors? "It's a pretty color" is not a reason.
  • The design can be symmetrically or asymmetrically balanced.
Remember the elements and principals of design!

Line, color, value, shape, form, space, texture.
Balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, pattern, movement, rhythm

  1. Select your image
  2. Measure the image. How many can you get out of a 12x18 inch piece of paper.
  3. Cut the paper.
  4. Use the tracing paper transfer technique to place your image on the construction paper.
  5. Cut out with an x-acto knife. (Use and cutting board and always cut away from your hand.)
  6. Assemble the design with a glue stick. (Use scrap paper to ensure that the glue stick covers your paper to the edge.)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Composition Project

Lesson Objective:  To Make you aware of the entire picture plane and space that surrounds and object.


The Picture Plane
In a painting the picture plane refers to the flat surface of the canvas or the physical material onto which the paint is applied. In our project the 9x12 construction paper is our picture plane.

You will create 6 designs which will produce the effect of :
  1. Falling Motion
  2. Rest/Calm
  3. Tension
  4. Rhythm
  5. Balance/Stability
  6. Importance
These are “Abstract” concepts, but they can be effectively communicated with simple shapes.

An example of "Importance"

  1. We will only be using 1x1” gray , white or black squares.
  2. You must use a minimum of 6 squares or a maximum of 20.
  3. Background paper can be gray, white or black.
  4. Squares may touch the edge of the picture plane.
  5. Except for “Falling/Motion” and “Tension”, all squares must be parallel to the picture plane.
  6. You may use “ONE” colored square in “Importance”
  7. Secure the squares with a glue stick.
  8. Please label the back of each composition with the word it illustrates, and your NAME. Use a white pencil if your background is black.
  9. You must complete all 6 compositions or you will receive a 55. (incomplete)

Some Last Thoughts

  • Remember you can create any of the above effects not only with position, but with the color of the paper selected.
  • Which neutral is restful? Gray, White or Black?
  • You will want to use the “whole” picture plane. Avoid creating a “fish tank” composition. By having objects touch the edge, we create the illusion that something is going on beyond the edge of the picture plane.
  • Avoid placing all the squares to the left or right. Think about how the image is balanced.
    • Symmetrically
    • Asymmetrically
    • Radially
  • Contrast creates tension. Which colors would you put together to create contrast.
  • You can use one color square in your emphasis composition. Which color stands out the best?


I will be evaluating your work in three different ways.

  1. Understanding - Do you understand the basic idea behind creating a balanced composition.? Does your image use the whole picture plane? Do objects float in the picture plane or does it appear that something happens beyond it?
  2. Creativity - Do you use the obvious solution with a minimal amount of squares, or do you communicate your idea in a new and original way?
  3. Craftsmanship - Is your work clean of glue and pencil marks? Are your squares correctly sized. (not rectangles) Have you correctly followed the project procedures?